Frozen lists

As we have seen when learning about subscriptions, pages in your lists are regularly updated to have the latest content.

So we currently have two kind of list: normal lists, which are updated, and subscribed lists which are updated and for which every new element is added to the tour.

Sometimes, we don’t want to update pages in a list. For those case, we can "freeze" a list.

list create tokeep
list freeze tokeep

(as always, list names are available through autocompletion)

That’s it. The newly created list is now frozen.

If you edit the list, you will see a "#frozen" next to its name. If you remove it, the list will not be frozen anymore.

You can, of course, go back to normal through the command line.

list normal tokeep

There’s one important point to keep in mind when using frozen list: pages in that list will not be updated except if they also happen to be in a page which is updated.

Having a page in a frozen list is thus not a guarantee to freeze all its content. The content might be in another list. It might be refreshed manually with "reload".
