Multiple lists

You discovered that your bookmarks list is a simple text file with links. But why not have multiple files so you can handle those differently?

That’s the purpose of "list". Let’s see the list we already have:


We see the bookmarks list and, surprise, we have "system lists". Let’s discuss those later and focus on normal lists first.

You can create a list with "list create NAME". Let’s try to make a list with all the link you would like to read later. We will call it "toread" but anything will do as long as it doesn’t exist yet.

list create toread

Adding a link to the "toread" list is only a matter of giving the name to "add".

add toread

Pro tip: there’s autocompletion on the name of your lists when adding. If a list has a long name, simply press the tab key after the first letters.

To display your newly created list, use "list"

list toread

Once again, you can use autocomplete.

To remove a link from toread, you need to archive it. Just like in bookmarks. But remember that Offpunk has no other context than the current page. If you archive a page, it will be removed from every list (except history and archives)

Try the following:

add toread

If you want to move the current page from a list to another, use "move". For example, we will put the current page in the bookmarks then move it into the "toread" list.

move toread

You probably guessed that, to edit the list, you can simply:

list edit toread

We start to use the "archive" command a lot. But what happens to archived links? Well, they are simply put in a list called "archives". The archives list is special as it contains the last 200 archived URL. You can see it with:

list archives

List is probably one of the most powerful command in Offpunk. You can get a taste with:

help list

Let’s now explore how you could manage your RSS/blog/gemlogs subscriptions through lists.
