What is Offpunk?
Every content you visit is cached and can be visited later while offline. If you try to visit a content not available in your cache, it will be marked to be downloaded later.
No mouse, no shortcut, no hidden key to press. Every action requires you to type a command. Content is displayed in the venerable "less" pager.
Offpunk transparently browse http/https/gemini/gopher/spartan/finger links. In your terminal, it will nicely display HTML, Gemtext, Gophermap, txt, RSS, Atom and even pictures. You can subscribe to an RSS feed or to any page.
Unix philosophy
Offpunk is made of 4 components that can be used separatly: netcache, ansicat, opnk and offpunk. While being written in python, dependencies are kept minimal and, when possible, optional.